GREY:CAZFF - Post by User
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buyvalue1on Nov 19, 2014 1:29am
Post# 23142689
Hi ruben12345
What's your opinion after the OPEC meeting? Snap on oil price down or up? I don't think (imho) it can go side ways, OPEC oil isn't WTI oil. Will that be a plus or a minus for Caza and WTI price in general? Short term, I see speculators intrests in the oil commoities market are short, going back a few few years, the speculators accumulated long intrest oil futures has incresed a lot. Cheap oil is gone.China and India are developing a "middle class". They will consume a lot of oil.
Long term, I see (IMHO) global oil demand rising. Regardless of the Gov'ts China and India are under, a middle class is emerginging in both countries. Dictators can not hold back the "western life style" these Billions of poeople want to have. They have tasted the good life and they will riot or over throw elitites who are gourging them selves of the riches.
Paradigm shift? With all do repect, I wouldn't call it that. Yes, too much oil is "sloching around" and there is more that can come on to the market (OPEC Wise) currently, but I'm staying LONG OIL for a LONG TIME.
Intresting to note, in March (of most every year) you will see a pull back of oil prices. Winters over. That might be the time when we are over 2000 bbls/day. Our "tMerge price or take over" will be dictated by per flowing bbl and acerage. (or we keep drilling)
What price do you peg WTI at at the end of March 2015? What price do you peg Caza at that time? ( You know with cash. income, debt service, and behind the pipe, we should last that long)
You should buy silver ( easier to by bread because they can't give back change if you give them gold you will get back Fait curracy in change. Probbibly worthless)
I'm not sure if oil is your cup of tea
Cheers Long Caza"s