RE:RE:Today should be very interesting!
Cant recall at the moment who made the comment, but I do agree there could be a little less hyperbole and innuendo on the CC's, even if the guys are "too excited to sleep"... anyone with young kids will recall the classic Disneyland commercial !
But the reality is, these guys are SO convinced that they have the tiger-by the tail here, they simply cant help themselves... and frankly, largely.. they have been proven right.
I am candidly a little tired of hearing about the "next" licensing deal. I am tired because I feel like i could play back almost any CC from 7-10 years ago on rAAT or Pbi1402 and here they exact same thing. Very frustrating indeed. My solace in all of this, is something that Pierre has contended for years both privately and publicly, which is the fact that the longer they can hang on and develop IP thru development of the prospective value, the better this will all turn out. Despite all the frustration and delay, I am hard pressed to argue against the fact that they have done exactly that. This stock is clearly not trading at a $1B + market cap because of their QTR / QTR revenue, unfortunately that doesnt change the fact that we all want QTR / QTR REV ! how ironic.
Anyone who's invested in this sector, particularly in the US, knows all too well there are 100's of stories that are one or two trick ponies, that have zero revenue. They are IP development companies. The blessing of PLI is the diversity in the model, which actually does have a great prospect of meaningful revenue generation.... but at the moment its also the curse, because we all want it to come sooner than later.
to the point someone made about close your computer and come back in a year. Pretty hard to do with the amount of money and overconcentration of this stock that many of us have in our portfolios, but the overarching principle is probably the best approach, because everything points to very large and consistent revenue streams coming on line in relatively short order. And not revenue of the lumpy inconsistent one-off nature they have been relying on for so long. when that day comes, my opinion is we wont be looking at a $1B market cap. And if its fundings like this one, that allow that runway... and the furthering of the value of the whole IP pipeline, then i am as optimistic as ever.
One final thing, look at the combined $ transaction volume of the last week alone, and contrast that with the value of this financing the 2.5% dilution...and what it means to the next 6 months. I think institutions are going to continue to come in meaningfully, and this ramp will continue.