Big volume on both exchangesThere has been a ton of cash made in other sectors this year and when you are considering tax loss selling to offset the gains you pick the biggest loser which happens to be oil. This year its a great weakling to go after and the timing is great ,just before opec meets , they are exerting the heaviest downward pressure onprices just before the meeting to extract some discipline from other producers. We have allready seen exploration and production cutbacks for 2015 and once the tax loss selling abates the santa claus rally just might be a doozy in oil. Nothing stays down forever ,neither will oil and the Sauidi's NEED $100 oil to finance their social programs and are willing to accept short term pain for long term gain,so should we. You can debate about when to get in but when ibte is back in the low and mid forties next year we won't squabble about if you bought at 28 -29 or 32 . Regarding the dividend sustainabilty the published reports by the company has allready stated their position and if you look back in time this company does not escallate dividends recklessly and when the world was ending in 2009 they reduced the dividend a modest amount for 10 months then increased it again, once the storm passed.