Basically we have three types of investors posting on this board. Of course we are all individuals and therefore have as many opinions as participants.
It starts with the two main groups of longs and shorts. However, the shorts are again split in two; those who doubt that AVO will succeed ( I don't think that there are many of them) and those who join other manipulators and take advantage of the fluctuation in the value of the shares and therefore are interested in keeping this fluctuation alive. Theactivist kind of confirmed the accuracy of this assessment when he recently asked me how long the fluctuation will continue in my opinion as well as by his own postings. The immediate victims of this third group are the longs. However, this type of shorts should remember that the longs are responsible for the fast recoveries after the shorts pushed down the value with methods we have sufficiently described in the past and thereby they, the longs, contribute to the fluctuation. Therefore the shorts will not be successful in the future if they scare the longs permanently away because then we would have nobody to panic and consequently the shorts could not buy more shares back at a lower price. The low volume in recent history confirms this theory.
So please stop in your own interest to scare the longs away or you will become the second victim of your own doing and then the longs would regain their position and become the winners. If instead of scaring the longs away you will allow the value of the shares to increase at the same pace as the profitability of AVO, both groups will survive which would be in the interests of all groups participating.