December News ReportsI am sorry if I disagree with some of you, but I am waiting for news Reports in December.
In the corporate presentation of November 2014 (which means only couple of days ago) GMA announced that results would be ready in December 2014. I cannot imagine that GMA would be foolish enough to miss a deadline that they themselves announced couple of days ago.
If they missed (again) another deadline, it would be another proof of the incapacity of the management to deliver as promissed. For all of us who were fans of DD when he wrote his three reports on GMA, we will have to agree with him that the management has zero credibility.
Let's wait for the rest of December to see what happens. If nothing happens, I will be the first one to support an initiative to oust the management, for all that is worth. From what I know, the 0.60$ PP people must not be happy, as well as G1, DD and many others.