Oil and Gold
Gold up and oil down....hum. I would suggest oil is down and manipulated as much as gold has been over the past century. It is a level which is unique and all encompassing. Absolutely everything in this world we live within depends on energy. Everything. Having stated the obvious, having oil manipulated down is for a very insightful reason . Some suggest, to harm Russia, Brazil, Venezuela, Iran, other suggest to stimulate the economy. I suggest, one thing that is very certain it clearly indicates the power of the manipulators to guide anything or commodity!
In regards, to ABI...it a safe mining operation in a safe country, in terms of global uncertainty. Frankly, I would consider...two things....humm...a little secret....gold and oil is really one.
I think the stock evaluation of the company this morning is less than 9 million...remarkable. Someday we all will look back and wonder....smile. Regarding the small man .. it is what is until it changes.