GREY:QSLRF - Post by User
Comment by
Stimulion Dec 09, 2014 5:58pm
Post# 23212526
RE:RE:RE:On Stockhouse There Was An Article Stating That JA
RE:RE:RE:On Stockhouse There Was An Article Stating That JAMercurysmith wrote:
«As you can see, Xie is taking quite a hit when he sells his $.75 shares at these low prices»...
... And if that is true, I will add this : How long will Xie allow himself to lose when trying to scare the whole market away from Q just to be able to buy the 50% + shares he is dreaming of. When you think about it, he could as easily as anybody with multimillions in their dirty jeans back pockets, front the money Q needs right away to step into real life. BUT that would never give him the CONTROL of QSolar anyway. Not interesting, period!
Whereas buying all quitters at low low low prices could allow him, FIRSTLY, to average himself down quite significantly(if he bought at 0.75$ as Msmith puts it) , SECONDLY, to eventually take control (if he scares enough investors away) and, finally, to salvage this company and consolidate his control over it through the loan it needs to stay alive and start piling up profits. Just try to imagine Q being fronted 10M$ today!
All of us who believe in Q's potential should cancel their ASK orders that are BELOW Xie's 0.75$ while we should commit solemnly to NOT BUY at any lower level. PERIOD. Then we should wait and see for a while. The day Xie and any ANON he brought along to play his game figure out they are the only skaters on the rink, we should know what is really going on here. The longer we all stay put, the shorter they will keep transfering shares between each other. And it will never be too late for us then to buy them out when they are done doing their little show! Let's see how long they will hang in there!
That imight be the only way we will bring Q's s/p back to the level it should fundamentally be at so to give its management some options to EITHER 1- sell some VALUED AGAIN shares of their own on a cleaned up market so to convert the proceeds into loaned working capital (as they did in the past to not much avail given the ridiculous s/p) for the company OR 2- bring reassured institutional money lenders to JUMP IN and accompany this company for the very last step of its gestation. Then EVERYBODY willl be in business!