You and most here had no foresight, imagination or plan with regads to this stock. 
So why do you hate this stock so much? There must be 10 companies in the same or worse shape or worse than LRE
It's frustrating for me to read these type of comments while 4 weeks and up to 1 week ago I warned you guys about the upcoming sell off. I guess you and others have me on ignore, like I said ignore me at your own peril but shame on you. If you lost 10, 20, 30 and up because you chose to ignore my warning and rants - shame on you, because you didn't agree with what I said and a cheerleader - shame on you.
Yes you did I give you credit for that.

I practically gave you all a playbook all you had to do was hit sell, sit on cash and heck buy it up here but at least you still had your money from 4 weeks ago or even a week when this was still worth twice as much.
Don't worry we still have money
Here's some tidbit - actually you're only part correct, the div has something to do with it but that's not the whole story. LRE has no choice now but to eliminate it, the likes of Surge, Baytex will have to do the same - they just kick the can down the road but they can't escape the inevitable of eliminating it to zero.
The sooner the better
LRE's valuations is based on the underlying commodity as I said many times before (get that through all your thick heads) couple that with the size of its debt what you're seeing are tier3 companies in this space that will get dump first and the hardest before the tier1.
They are also the ones that recover the fastest. Look what happened when oil hit 40 in 08

This is just the beginning, what you'll have next across all the oil companies are massive writedowns of assets by q2 of next year if oil doesn't rebound to 90-100 levels.
Sure that will happen but oil will recover it always has.
If you think you've seen a sell off just wait until these writedowns starts happening, even more valuations will get obliterated - 50% minimum and that's if you're lucky otherwise some of these will go to near zero level or close shop. 
True, but its all what an investor beleives will happen in the future. The faster oil hits the bottom the better. Most companies will cut production or lose production from normal declines
That will turn this back in 6 months to a year.

Again same on what happen with other commodities - gold/base metals, met coal, uranium, and now oil - with no exceptions.

Fundamentally  - I don't see LRE going back to its former valuations - it has lost a lot and gaining it back is going to take a monumental bounce for oil and stay there for a prolong period. Technically - well there's nothing technical about it anymore. 
Depends on what your cost base is. If you traded the swings you should do alright

It has lost support at 1.35, the likely support that this has now is 1. So if you like it at 1.35, you'll like it even better at 1 - that's where I'll be buying it up and even at 1 it's a gamble. Remember that another 10 days for tax loss selling is still here, if I were you guys I'd be hitting sell and take advantage of that - buy it back in 30 days and wait for things to settle.
At 40 dollar oil it could go to 50 cents.  but will it go broke I don't think so.

Finally, I'm calling out everyone who told me I was wrong - you know who you are, shame on all of you. All I was trying to do was help. 

And help you did it made me take a long hard look at my investment and I bought and sold it since then. But as a value investor this company represents good value.