Read today's press release again please CAREFULLY Today's press release stated that Pinetree had paid out money owed on one covenant and rectifiied its non conformance with that Covenant.
The press release only stated that debt issues relating to one covenant had been resolved.
I think a Pinetree stockholder or someone looking to buy Pinetree likely reads on a 3 rd grade level.
It would be easy to conclude from a quick read of today's press release that all of Pinetree's debt covenant issues have been resolved. if that is the situation the press release did not clearly state that. If my take on this is correct I would describe such a press release as misleading altho I have no reason to state or assume that it is less than 100 percent legal and in conformance with govenrning regulations. This is a reason for reform and tightening of stockholder protections.
Canada Moose