RE:Milestone TimelinesThera2014- With a few exceptions, this board has been hijacked by mindless idiots. So I will be brief: Last Wed, my 50k GTC sell order of TLTFF @ 0.45 had a partial fill but Th morning completed the sell so now at 301k shares. I immediately put in another 50k sell @0.49. Friday there was a run up to 0.49 but only took 1500 shares of my shares so there are still 48.5k GTC shares in @0.49. We'll see if these sell today. If so, I will put in a final sell order of 50k @ 0.63 and see if the U of Toledo presentation will blow through that. At that point, I'll still have 201k shares remaining but will have covered myself even if TLTFF goes to 0. Why did I do this? Here's my prediction: (1) There will be an HC approval of TLC2000 and a U of T presentation in late Dec or January. Prediction: This may propel TLT.V to $0.75 or so... again thinly traded TLTFF is basically the currency difference v. TLT.V with TLTFF not nearly as liquid. (2) The $3.5 million in sales predicted by Zach's in the 4th quarter of 2014 won't be met and may only be $0.5 million. The honest among us will recall that Mr. White had stated in July that he had enough funds to start the Ph1 trial but not complete it. However, that prediction from him assumed TLC2000 revenue thru most of the 4th q which, again, never happened. Therefore, there will be an additional share issuance of 10 or 20 million shares in the 1st quarter as needed. Therefore, my prediction is 15 million share issuance by February 15. (3) Therefore, share price prediction by June will be $0.30- $0.40 as price will have drifted lower with new share issuance coupled with anticipated delay in Ph1 start now into 3rd quarter 2015. I now have a considerable amount of cash and only 5 holdings. What to do with your money after the near term runn up? On Friday, I looked at a collapsing market and bought 10000 shares of Gazprom (OGZPY) @ 4.63. While I think Russia is still the most corrupt places in the world, this stock has a PE at 1.5. Gas is not oil but has been pulled down along with the oil price collapse. I would recommend a position in Gazprom after the run up in TLT.V. Then plan on selling Gazprom with it's 50% rebound this winter... probably a March sell but set your own stops. Hopefully, I will be able to buy back these shares @$0.35 in spring but that again depends on Mr. White's timeline which I've learned to add months to.