PEA disagreements?
GMA told investors that the PEA was to be ready in June. Corporate presentation mentioned December 2014. Corporate presentation was changed multiple times as Simon explanation over the delays. Investors received all kinds of information about the delays. No update was given to explain it.
Your guess will be as good as mine, but here is one theory. GMA and the qualified persons (companies) work together to compile the 43-101 report. My guess is that GMA have seen the report(s) and disagree with the results and the conclusions. If GMA has a new technology that reduces the cost, the QI might not be as enthusiasthic as GMA over the cost saving (or the profit) that it may generate and hence a disagreements over the results. It is still pathetic though as the corporate presentation dated November 2014 indicates results before year-end...
If Goldn1 is right, we will not see results before 2015 (and when in 2015???). Obviously, it is a guess only, but I am trying to find other possible reasons for the delays and this one seems to make more sense. I am really looking forward to see the results since the market does not seem to be as optimist as some other posters on this Board. Anyhow, it would not be the first pump and dump story on the venture...