Activist shareholder asks for a fair contest A Fair Contest
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December 15, 2014: Montreal, QC.
The dissent slate has formally requested a postponement of the AGM to allow for the shareholders to have a clear choice in the decision as to which group would best serve the interests of the shareholders. Arrogantly, they refused. Not only have the directors declined to allow you that choice, but they hired a Toronto area proxy solicitation company to badger you at a cost of upwards of $200,000 including a success fee to canvass shareholders for the AGM where the outcome is already known. With a call for an extraordinary meeting, management will be spending a like amount to protect its interests. Is this the best use of your money?
What is management afraid of? And why are they wasting so much of your money to hold onto control? Would it have anything to do with maintaining their generous compensation packages and directors fees at your expense?
At the last annual shareholder meeting, management proposed a bylaw to protect themselves from a challenge such as this, by requiring a dissenting slate to sign onto a vetting process that could take at least sixty more days. As this challenge was precipitated by the loss of the option agreement on December 1st, there was insufficient time to submit a slate for that meeting. Had it occurred, the dissent slate proxy would have been mailed along with the current board proxy. We asked that the Board waive this advance notice requirement but they refused. All we are asking for is a fair contest, not a rigged one where the shareholder continues to suffer. Is that too much to ask?
Contact: Harry Miller 425.453.0355