You can cut a lot of words and end up with projections and hopeful promises, some do make sense but like the Disclaimer says, at your own risk.

Uncle Bruce was right LG`s launch ramping up and wrapping up in November, no October launch.
I was right just Canada in December (hopefully) and the global expansion as it`s feasible in 2015.

Routhier and Choquette are good for throwing numbers and percentages up in the air.

I don`t really care how many 3DTvs are sold worlwide, I care about how many will watch 3DGo.
So he postponed the outside North America right of the bat.

I wish someone would explain me the Interpolation patent and the possible money benefits.

I can`t actually believe they are happy with the 3DGo numbers from PAN-VIZ and the way Routhier kind of discard them makes you wonder.

Apparently there were lots of glitches and most of them are fixed,an excuse he used for launching first in Canada and the fact that lots of the movies already have rights for Canada and the deployment would be much affordable..

He mentioned that a frequent user is one that rents one movie a MONTH, can`t be too many.

All the apples are on a successful launch of LG.
The Marketing and awareness campaign through emails and and direct approach, free movies,offers will be a new initiative that should bear a different result (hopefully again).

Disney will get involved through exclusive movies to 3DGo and they hope for a strong response to commence on USA Thanksgiving.

He expects 50.000 new active users from LG by year end, he had a hard time explaining to Ralph on how.he figured that out.
THere will be no significant expense to show the movies internationally through the Studios side and the fact that Deluxe and NeuLion are involved, BUT if you read the life of Netflix you`ll find out the extra expense of dealing country by country and that`s why I am little relieved that they will do it slower, money will fly otherwise.

He expects strong growth for Q3 (so do I if I`m to follow my plan).

Good questions from RG today kind of put Routhier on the defensive.
How will he convert existing customers over 3DGo?
Interpolation  would it be something like S2D in the way of revenues?.
Cost of going international?.
Possible money in the Bank?.

So even though SIO is enthusiastic and is devoting all energies on driving growth the fact is:

We are launching in November in the USA instead of October, not bad considering past performances and the advance notice from Uncle Bruce.

We are launching just in Canada in December.(I mentioned)

We don`t have a date for global expansion.( I mentioned).

We have almost $1.500.00 in the Bank, almost $3.000.000 in warrants when and if they are cashed and possible revenues from the switches to bring us to a POSSIBLE $5.000.000 in the medium future, not sure but hopefully.

Let`s see how RG updates his Report.