IT'S NOT TOO LATE! here is how it will play out....Philips makes 100 or so PET scanners a year, and that will grow. Each one is about $1 mil, and about 40% of the cost is for crystals. Margins for Z/Hammamatsu are high, say 60%. So that's $24 mil in gross profit. I'm not sure what the split between Z & H are, but say Z gets one third, $8 mil to Z.
Fine, so JUST on the Philips deal, let's assign a crazy low multiple of 5 X, That's $40 mil in market cap. Right now were are about the cap is at $50 mil. So now we've accounted for 80% of the cap, and we are "overpaying" by 10 cents a share.
LOOK what you GET for paying 10 cents per share:
1) orders from other OEM's Top of mind GE, and others to follow. This alone could be worth a couple of dollars per share.
2) CERN. First order in mid-Feb. Large, $100 mil. Remember, this is PHASE ONE. There will be 2 or 3 more, my guess is within 2 years. Add another couple of bucks.
3) Russia. Ya, It's been too long since they announced the LOI. I think that something will be completed here. Reasonable to assume they want to run their own PET program. BUT, let's give it ZERO value.
4) St. Gobian. I have no clue what will happen here so assign it a value of ZERO.
5) 3D technology......Tons of promise, but let's just say ZERO.
Add it all up, based on a share price of 50 cents, you "overpay" 10 cents for #1 thru 5.......HMMMM
SO, that's $3.00 EASILY per share, for 10 cents.
OH, one more thing, there is a sad part to this, and that is Big H, as in our Japanese partner... they will buy us before the above value is fully realized. Question is at what price? One thing I do know, there is ZERO chance it's not at least $1.50.