pharmacan started trading today which may cannibalize our s/p a little. I think it opened at a buck but is dwindling down. there are so many newcomer hopefuls for a very limited market as things currently stand for mmpr in Canada. The big ipo pop has fizzled as the enthusiasm fades and common sense takes over in the green rush. When I talked to the pr dept of bedrocan they emphasized the state of the art facility and that their expertise will give higher yield per sq ft. if you do your due diligence you will learn that v.bed's parent company is well experienced and is an international supplier to 7 countries of pharmaceutical grade medical marijuana and their products are used in scientific studies because of the consistency and quality. if you are a doctor recommending the benefits of marijuana, quality and consistency and availability for patients are going to be paramount. bedrocan Netherlands has worked hand in hand with doctors, scientists, patients and governments to bring the benefits of their medicine to the mainstream. to sum it up Bedrocan wrote the book imho and the "on the rope" miner entrants don't stand a chance. dyodd and glta