Tax Loss Season Done
And pnp has moved steadily upward (albeit recovering) despite this strong headwind. Today which is a Canadian market holiday gold will open close to the 1200 mark. If that holds then look out for the general market on Monday - Jan 29. Also NAV will be established on Monthly market close (I think) on Dec 31. All of this sets up for a very pleasant January run. For disclosure purposes I was significantly underwater on this issue but felt that the fall to .10 was over done so added 200 percent to my position to do the old "average down". The current .16 still does not get me in the black but it certainly is much more within reach than before. In general it appears the company went bottom feeding and in so doing breached some debt guidelines which are now being brought back in line. Time will tell if this was a smart move of "reaching for the brass ring" or not. My sense is that we (the faithful) may be in for a pleasant January ride. Onward and upward