2015Gool luck to all in 2015. Even I do not believe in CDO / SHI anymore - and this is unfortunately my definitive believe - we might see .10 again in 2015. Not much - as dilution will go on rapidly there will be no additional chances for higher PPs - but a chance to get out with reduced losses.
SHI will never have enough money to drill properly, Eisler already wastes too much $ for new properties and will not have enough to drill properly any of the existing properties as we llas the new ones. Same nonsense CEO Bernard did. But this is the strategy of business people who have no clue how to develop a company......however, shareholder will pay their unabilities as always.
Nevertheless, I hope for 0.10 and this time I get out with flying colours ! Better minus 80% within ten years than endless idiotics hopes in a unable CEO for the next ten years. This year is my last year in this dump stroy of numberless and enormous properties which obviously have no value as nobody does anything with those properties. This is prove enough for me and I do not need more after years of empty words and dilution, reverse spilts and dump CEOs.
But, as I said, GLTA !