or maybe....Just maybe.....12M of 2P just doesn't interest any of the potential suitors. PTA over paid for 15% of the Quinde production and PUT as it stands. PTA is miles away from being acquired simply put. They have to roll back the shares in the new year and equity raise to operate PUT and pay off the senior notes....they need 100M in cash...and they have 65M. These are the words of the company. Once 2P gets above 20M then perhaps we can talk acquisitions. Long after proving PUT (speculation). Its immature to think they would be taken over now. And building pipelines takes time and more money! They just cant "tie into" a pipeline over night....little own a full year. PTA needs to find the oil first before they can ship it no? We are dead money until we produce 10k/day and increase reserves. Creative Shipping will happen when it needs too....in a long time.