RE:RE:Telesta - Seeking Alpha article excerpt
HT, you are more eager to present your " long term" case than a rat on a cocaine treadmill. What is your fascination with the term "lottery"? you use it often. My history with discussion boards tells me that the term lottery is a favorite, if not the favorite, term for someone trying to scare away potential investors. Why is it that you never discuss the meat of the story? You stick only to long term timelines and requests for ambiguous projections for your "lottery" pick. My advisor indicated that this stock was highly manipulated by a small handful of brokers, but not to bother with the day to day trading and focus on the MCNA asset itself. His opinion is that the asset is worth 7-10 times its current value but that questionable trading over the years has prevented any serious entry of new money. It is quite clear that you work for one of those brokers to control the story here.