My ThoughtsIt's been a tough road for many and the ones who stayed true to their convictions will be rewarded. I would like to hold longer to the eventual buyout but I have to free up some cash because I want to see how these oil stocks play out. This is the real once in a generation sort of thing and I plan on finding that one oil stock that will be a 10 bagger by 2016. You will not lose by holding FCU but the uranium sector is not in good shape by any stretch. Look at Cigar Lake, which will be flooding the market with 20 million lbs a year for the next 10 years at least, It just started producing this year....and you think theres a glut in oil lol...Plenty of mines are on care and maintenance just waiting for the spot price to jump. I feel that in 2015 real money can be made playing the oil sector and those who do the research will be rewarded.