AdiosI intended to provide an analysis of the upcoming bladder cancer trials and the info available thru NIH, ACS and many others but I expect that many here will become expert on these in the coming months... a lot of good info, data and pictorials on stage 1 (contained in lining), stage 2 (spread to connective tissue) stage 3 (spread to muscle), stage 4 (spread to distant site aka metastasis). In the inclusion/exception criteria for bladder cancer clinical trials, <2.5cm or=""> 2.5 cm is an oft used exclusion criteria (also many personal testimonials easily found via Google search). In other words 2.5cm (25mm) is 3125 times the mass of the 1mm tumor trialed in the U of T preclinical trial validation. There wasn't even an attempt top validate to the original subcutaneous 5mm tumor size used in mice trials. Now certain individuals on this board say that mass doesn't matter! They actuall say I say that Dr. Lilge says as much. Do you believe any scientist would make such a statement w/o data? I think not. Listen, I'm starting to get into the weeds with this discussion.... soooo, let me leave it at this: You are the shareholder. Forget about what Tuesday or Bencro or Quattro or anyone tells you. The question you have to answer yourself is, "does it make sense to you, where is the data for whatever TLT topic is being discussed?? I also say that TLT will run out of cash by end of this quarter! As a result, they will do either a massive share issuance or a compromised deal with someone. Hey, that's a pretty easy.. I'm either right or I'm wrong and you'll all know soon enough. In summary, (1) THINK FOR YOURSELF (2) DEMAND THAT MANAGEMENT GIVE YOU THE RESPECT YOU DESERVE AS A SHAREHOLDER! Do not accept anything that is not fact based and data driven.... and tell them to meet a d*mn timeline!! Best to all! Adios! 2.5cm>