HEDGING Our ongoing risk management program provides us with the ability to withstand the current weakness in commodity prices and provides stability in our funds from operations to continue our targeted per share organic growth of 3-5% and pay our monthly dividend without putting our balance sheet at risk. In the first half of 2015, 61% of our crude oil production is hedged at C$98.61/bbl, 41% in the second half of 2015 at $97.15/bbl and in 2016 24% is hedged at a fixed price of C$97.71/bbl. In 2015, 32% of our natural gas production is hedged at C$3.98/mcf and in 2016 13% is hedged at C$3.79/mcf. The mark to market value of our current hedges is an asset of approximately $154 million. Read more at https://www.stockhouse.com/news/press-releases/2014/12/16/whitecap-provides-revised-outlook-for-2015-maintains-sustainability-and#CzVRxEtEkwFr1owM.99