RE:RE:RE:FCU down 31.8% from 52-week high...
the mistake you make is assuming everyone on here is a trader. I don't get overly concerned with the weeklly or monthly flucuations. My average cost is .81. I accumulate occasionally when I have available funds to allocate to this holding (as well as my other holdings). By no means do I have the hundereds of thousands of shares in FCU that others on this board pretend, but to me it is significant. I also don't have time sign in and spare with other posters on a regular basis. I read the posts, and occasionally find some usefull info. But most of the time it is just slightly entertaining.
As for it being down from its 52 week high, yes it what. it certainly would be nice if no stock ever went below its 52 week high. But as long I don't need the money in the short term I am confident that I will be quite happy when the eventual takeover of FCU occurs and the sp is higher than today and higher than its current 52 week high.
That's my straegy. You may not like it or agree with it and that is why you have your own stategy. But to act like your opinion/stargey is correct and everyone else's is wrong, then insult and degrade other posters.....well i think that says quite a lot about your personality. But whatever...your choice I guess.