RE:New BoardI had no intentions of posting until later this year because only 1 in 50 posts had any value due to continuous pumping. That changed once I saw that Bunge has opened up another board and taken all the company spokesmen with him. This is excellent news and should allow for a more honest discussion of TLT's distorted NRs and deceptive timelines. To reiterate my prognosis, TLT will issue about 25-30 million shares shortly after the release of the TLC-2000 by HC. TLT needs the TLC-2000s release to goose the sp as they cannot issue 25 million new shares until sp is well north of $0.50... more like $0.65 Expect share issuance within 1 month of TLC-2000 release. Good bye for now! Should be a more honest, focused board.