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Cascadia Minerals Ltd V.CAM

Alternate Symbol(s):  CAMNF

Cascadia is a Canadian junior mining company focused on exploring for copper and gold in the Yukon and British Columbia . Cascadia's flagship Catch Property in the Yukon hosts a brand-new copper-gold porphyry discovery where inaugural drill results returned broad intervals of mineralization, including 116.60 m of 0.31% copper with 0.30 g/t gold. Catch exhibits extensive high-grade copper and gold mineralization across a 5 km long trend, with rock samples returning peak values of 3.88% copper and 30.00 g/t gold.

TSXV:CAM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Post by StompinTomon Jan 21, 2015 8:11pm
Post# 23346446


AgnicoSaw the headline that they are selling out of Probe to Goldcorp for $43m.  I believe they have a roughly 10% share in ATC.  Just speculating.
Bullboard Posts