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Southern Pacific Resource Corp STPJF

Southern Pacific Resource Corp. is a Canada-based company, which is engaged in the thermal production of heavy oil in Senlac, Saskatchewan on a property known as STP-Senlac, and thermal production of bitumen on a property located in the Athabasca region of Alberta known as STP-McKay, as well as exploration for and development of in-situ oil sands in the Athabasca region of Alberta. Its STP-McKay property consists of oil sands leases totaling approximately 37,760 acres. The Company’s operations also include Anzac, Hangingstone and Ells. The Company’s STP-McKay property is located approximately 45 kilometers northwest Ft. McMurray. The Anzac project covers approximately 117 kilometers of two-dimensional (2D) seismic. The Company owns 80% interest in Hangingstone project. The Ells project covers approximately 164 kilometers of two-dimensional (2D) seismic.

GREY:STPJF - Post by User

Comment by nikeherculeson Jan 22, 2015 11:34am
Post# 23351381


Tragic. CCAA was totally expected but nonetheless tragic - like that final scene in Das Boot when the captain watches his u-boat sink before keeling over.

Head to 3:22:00 for the final, gut-wrenching scene of the greatest war movie of all time:

"Das Boot" (1981) Director's Cut Deutsch GANZER FILM Original

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