RE:NewsI especially like this part:
With the acquisition now completed, Uragold can now focus its attention on securing a non-dilutive financing required to complete a 9,000 cubic meters (m3) of auriferous till pilot-scale operation (Phase 1). The pilot-scale operation is needed to allow the corporation to establish a statistical distribution model for the nugget effect to the gold grade of the buried paleoplacer channel. This step is required to establish a resource category needed to complete the Feasibility Study ("FS") requirement of Quebec's the new Mining Act. As previously mentioned, Quebec's Ministry of Natural Resources will grant Uragold a "conditional" Mining Lease over the Rang Chaussegros to complete Phase 1 once an Internal Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) and an approved Closure Plan is submitted. UBR will be authorized to start full-scale production (Phase 2) once a Feasibility Study ("FS") is submitted.