A Hard lesson learned To say I'm " Disapointed " in the APP going Bankrupt is a gross understatement. In almost every News release issued by APP MANAGEMENT the DUFFERIN MINE had been living up to or surpassing expectations. The DUFFERIN MINE was producing an exceptable HEAD GRADE of GOLD from 4 Veins to make Gold Bars to sell. Drilling indicated some 18 KNOWN VEINS below the Veins being mined and the results from the drilling were very encourageing for future production. Granted, the Market price of Gold took a drop that did cut into the profitability of the Mines financial operation. but at the time of BANKRUPTCY Gold had rebounded back up to over $1300 an ounce, this should have restored some hope in continuing to invest in this Mine. I personally do not believe BANKRUPTCY has been the result of simply a BAD NONE PRODUCING MINE, unless APP MANAGEMENT misled investors in the QUALITY of the DUFFERIN MINE. I fail to understand why there was not a single viable INVESTER OFFER to keep this mine going, NO JOINT VENTURE OFFERS, NO BUY OUT RIGHT OFFERS ect ect, just simply NOTHING!!!!!. EVERYONE seems to have looked at the DUFFERIN MINE and now given the operation TWO THUMBS DOWN saying what a WORTHLESS PROJECT TO PURSUE. My fellow investors something is terribly wrong with this whole picture, You can't go from a PRODUCING MINE to TOTALLY WORTHLESS without something going horribly wrong and I have yet to hear what it is. I understand some would say POOR MANAGEMENT, that may be the case indeed but that would not account for why NO PARTIES OUTSIDE APP could not see any worth in this project to make an investment offer. I would like to here from as many of you as possible, lets make this BULLBOARD a learning experience for all. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON THIS BANKRUPTCY AND FAILURE OF APP"s DUFFERIN MINE???