TLD-1433 +TransferrinI was bewildered why they choose TLD-1433 as the lead PDC given that it had minimal response in the red-NIR wave length, which implied minimal efectiveness at depth, ....with the news of the transferrin targeting mechanism...and how this increases the preformance of TLD-1433 at depth ... this makes perfect sence.
Theralase has the leading system....Goliath will want to license the system or buy it outright...there is just so much synergy with this is just obvious.
Theralase is taking wise powerfull steps...Wisdom will allways trump power....the wise shareholders will scamper away with $$$$$$$ in hand...we are for sale...for a price.
With these latest developments time is on our side. Bring on brain cancer, colon cancer...
.leaders have a unique abilty to succeed....size means nothing to the leader of the pack..