As stated before - not a fan of the mergerAfter reviewing the reasons for it, guess it makes sense. Crazy share price here given the facts. Every airline CEO that's been on CNBC/ BNN etc have stated one constant! They are re-outfitting and mondernizing the CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE. That doesn't mean TV dinners on board. It means the GXI suite of products and value-added benefits. Surprising to see the sell-off but at least this shareholder sees the value com-in down the road for GXI. Expescially given the oil price savings being enjoyed by the US carriers and soon to be un-hedged Canadian ones. Then least we not forget the other industries GXI is endeavoring in be it rail, bus and spoke/hub outfitting. Combine all this with cross-selling between other sectors in the hospitality industry - hotel/food/taxi/restaurant/cinema/etc etc. Well - just saying - looks pretty good from what's in the works here!