Re:re:re: Engineer's know better!Any Engineer currently working at Bombardier that feels they want to leave the company and don't is because there's a real lack of engineering jobs in Canada for aerospace people. In addition to this the BMS or Bombardier Manufacturing System is a total constrain to daily operations as far as easement to bring about the necessary results required for engineering changes to be integrated.
Hiring new Managers that don't have an Aero back ground will only produce more of the same people that fail to aid the current engineers on staff reach their full potential.
The mechanism for for change control for mod release needs to be better controlled currently there's not enough qualified support for the properly needed departments like methods and tool design talking to the engineers so released Mod's struggle to be incorporated.
What does some new hire know about this business, if he was formerly a Hydro Manager? The only people should be aerospace hired people that can work with other areospace employees making best use of this BMSystem to handle Bombardier problems. Skill people need more Management like a whole in the head! No wonder there sick of this place.