any comment on the following?The US patent office has given specific examples of what types of software can get protection. This provides long-awaited clarification, says patent expert Andrew Thompson.<br /> <br /> The guidance follows a landmark ruling in the case of Alice Corp vs CLS Bank International on 19 June, 2014, which concluded that the patents in question could not be enforced because they were based on an abstract idea that had simply been computerised. <br /> <br /> The inventions that are eligible for patent protection include:<br /> Improvements to another technology or technological field<br /> Improvements to the functioning of a computer<br /> A process that enhances the usage of a particular machine (not a generic computer)<br /> <br /> Didn't the VRNG patents improve GOOG code by 20.9% ? there's no doubt it was an improvement <a href="">Less</a><br /> Sort: Newest |<br />