RE:Casing at Total DepthThe Badada-1 well commenced drilling operations at 14:00 GMT on 7 January 2015 and has been drilled to a total depth of 1,647 metres MDBRT (Measured Depth Below the Rotary Table). A 13 3/8- inch casing has been successfully run to 1,644 metres MDBRT and cemented in the 17 1/2-inch hole and the well is currently preparing to drill ahead with the 12 1/4 -inch hole section to the next casing point which is expected to be at TD. The well is planned to be drilled to a total depth of between 3,000 and 4,000 metres in order to test primary targets in Tertiary age reservoirs. The well is expected to take up to 70 days from spud to completion.of
The "Total Depth" reffered to above appears to a poor choice of words . Essentially the 13 5/8 " casing being run and cemented to that point. This casing is to provide well control should any high pressure zones be encountered as they drill deeper. Normal proceedure in an area where not many or no wells drilled previously.
The stock acting like this is a dud absolutely no speculation appetite for risk out there ......too many "Economic girly men " abounding ....LOL!!!
They will be falling over themselves to get in when they get a major strike!!