New FCC rules should have no impact on SVC as per Scotia :) Great to hear :)
.Recent Update Text as of 4FEB15 . The FCC released a fact sheet about its net neutrality proposal. The FCC will be reclassifying broadband internet access as a telecommunications
service, but will forbear from provisions that are not relevant to modern
. broadband services and not in the public interest. Forbearing rate regulation: ISPs will not be subject to tariffs or other forms
of rate approval, unbundling, or other forms of utility regulation. No rate
regulation is the most important to SVC since its solutions are being used to
provide different plans for various services. We believe forbearing rate
regulation allows SVC's solutions to continue to help carriers provide
differentiated service plans. . Three bright line rules: no blocking, no throttling, and no paid prioritization.
We do not believe these rules have an impact on SVC since we do not believe its
. products are used in this manner. Reasonable network management: An ISP may engage in legitimate network
management - management for commercial purposes is not permitted. We believe
SVC's traffic control products could play a role here since ISPs will need to
prove their traffic management practices comply with the rules. DPI solutions
could provide auditing features that help ISPs make a case for controlling
traffic. . In our opinion, the proposed rules do not seem to have much impact on Sandvine
and should alleviate some of the overhang on the shares.