RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:short a bunch at 32. short at will
Again, I disagree. Everyone talks about China slowing, mis-information, etc., but RBC, TD, JPM, and all of the banks all have 6-7+% growth rates stapled on there and they know those markets far better than I'd profess to.
You have many beefs about CPG but the fact of the matter is that CPG is one of the best names out there. Management has the best access to capital of any Senior Intermediate on the street, dominant market share in the Canadian Bakken (and hence, dominant control over services pricing), and top decile netbacks amongst Canadian producers. On the basis of your arguments, you should be short the commodity, not short CPG. There are far more 'dire' situations out there than this company. If low commodity prices continue and the balance sheet 'stress' were to worsen, this is the quality of street name that could do a $500 million convertible deal with a pension fund over a weekend with minimal dilution to alleviate the situation. CPG is not a Penn West. They have a very strong track record of suberb execution.