RE:Check out this little Gemeodway wrote: The new presentation is online.
"Opportunity for increased recovery of up to 30% more PGMs with secondary processing of magnetic/cleaner flotation tails with initial SGS testwork showing potential recoveries of more than 90%"
Now what does this mean?
When you plug in 90% recovery rates in a refined model that previously showed an after tax IRR of 24.5% the new recovery rates push the after tax IRR to over 30%
That is a significant improvement.
An after tax IRR of 30% is mind blowing!... Especially for such a huge project that has a mine life over 50 years wnd will only GROW when they drill the Quill and Burwash area.
If we can get the PGEs in the resource estimate that will even bigger!
They should put a date in small fine print, like updated Feb 6, 2015, somewhere letting everybody know when it was updated so people don't have to go through the entire presentation and try to figure out if it's a new presentation or if there is new info.