RE:Slow Newsif as we understand that the Freeport is sitting on a drill core from more than a year ago I don't think there is any way they will be sharing the new results with reservoir until the operating agreement is in place. And it does not appear the Operating Agreement is going to be signed any time soon as we have been told it is close to being signed for more than a year now. Freeport is clearly dragging their heels and happy to continue to do so. Our best hope for news is reservoir hitting something on their hundred percent land. Or the Serbian government putting the screws to Freeport and getting the ball moving again here. on top of all that Freeport is clearly in a major squeeze under a gigantic amount of debt and with low oil prices. I'm sure that is not helping us either. in many ways I think we would be better off if Freeport sold their share of timok but that could sting us in the short term (?), unless a deal is done quietly at a good price and operating agree too. Patience and more patience!