penny traderlong time ago . i brought all penny stock in v. and i make good money. i choice by look at the
volume. easy to buy and sell. what make me be a penny trader today.?
the stock call NT . for the safe i put my money to blue ship NT yes NT $ 60000
i do average down, you know what ?i lost all my money. since this lesson
i don.t belive what the CEO said and the accountant say. look at the CEO in NT how much he make from us.
i lost my money for this stock (nothing to do with Luck and Greed. ) is the company CEO and their
Now lesson 2 Greed, about 8 or 10 year ago one of the stock in T , ITM , it was .o14 cen
i brought 50000 sh . one month late up to0.30 cen i did not sell and up upup to 5 dollars '
did i sell no why ?Greedy Greedy good for me lesson to learn not to be Greed
least week lesson / luck yes Luck i brougt LEG 10000 sh and i say to myself as long as
i make some money today i will be happy the market open i sold my stock for .05 Cent
i make $250 in the monrning easy mooney yes, after i sold my stock one houres late LEG up 30 cent more . am i up sad . yes but i keep teling myself is ok better than lost my money.
total week total i make $3000 dollar . i do buy back the stock , on Friday, after the market close .
i lost. but i did not sell.i still have my stock on hand , next tuesday whom know?
to you all is very easy to write to post . to me i have to look up the Dictionary for most word. i type.
Remember the reson we are here is to make money
hope you all have a nice holiday rest and happy .