An escape from dilution!THis values Zuun Mod at 11 million. Current market cap at 10 million. Altan Nar for free.
There is MILLIONS of ounces in Zuun Mod and it is high grade, near surface. Budreski has inserted his genius here mixed with the dedication and diligence of our solid management and although it is only a few hundred thousand a year it goes to show that ERD is not being valued at all as we play the dilutionary death spiral that most juniors are showing.
I think that the end of this bear is near, and the fact we are not trading closer to 17 or 18 cents is perfect reason. We will have millions of ounces of higher grade near surface gold by next year, the likes of which should be valued around 30 dollars an ounce at the very least!
Good luck and great work Peter!