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Vecima Networks Inc T.VCM

Alternate Symbol(s):  VNWTF

Vecima Networks Inc. provides evolution to the multi-gigabit and content-rich networks. The Company delivers software, services, and integrated platforms that power broadband and video streaming networks, monitor and manage transportation, and transform experiences in homes, businesses, and everywhere people connect. Its segments include Video and Broadband Solutions (VBS), Content Delivery and Storage (CDS), and Telematics. VBS segment includes platforms that process data from the cable network and deliver high-speed Internet connectivity to homes over cable and fiber, as well as adapt video services to formats suitable to be consumed on televisions in commercial properties. CDS segment includes solutions and software, under the MediaScale brand, for service providers and content owners. Telematics segment provides fleet managers with the key information and analytics they require to optimally manage their mobile and fixed assets under the Contigo and Nero Global Tracking brands.

TSX:VCM - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by StompinTomon Feb 17, 2015 3:12pm
Post# 23436930

RE:RE:RE:Down 4% today

RE:RE:RE:Down 4% today
I have a trailing stop in at $10 so unless we close up, I will likely go out.  Still like the business but unfortunately I have often found that things that are cheap can get cheaper.  Selling on up volume is pretty bearish as well. 
Bullboard Posts