RE:RE:Only on this board.....Stick your head and eyeballs in a physics textbook, and I assure ALL OF YOU, that you too could design a phone. The ironic part is they design hardware and software that NO ONE WANTS. Then make up stories why they are now a midget in a Giants world. Their R&D department must be a long way from a daycare. It should be right next door. Next time these physics brains decide to output one of their "new designs" (blackberry passport, I'm looking at your ugly a$ $) give the prototype, give it to a TODDLER. If they hand it back to you almost immediately because "Blackberry doesn't like my fingers", then your product had failed. That's about as simple a "societal test" as you can conduct. But nope. The physics head now thinks he know society too!! Bahaha. your HEAD has been stuck in a textbook. What do YOU know John, except the same things as the other people who build your software and hardware. CHRIST. You are afraid Ryan Seacrest will steal the rug right from under your table. It STILL doesn't matter. NO ONE under 40 wants your junk anyways