RE:Yikes, Richie Bros. auction, 34 vacume trucks sold today. Good- great opportunity for enterprise to pick up trucks. Though they do prefer new ones and they have a bunch on order. Remember, their business was so great they were and are still renting over 1/3 of their trucks. Investors forget - companies are reducing NEW capital expenditures. 2015 and early 2016 are already booked. That should be long enough to affect supply (the current problem with oil). Then as soon as price picks up - well just watch the cash get put back to work in a hurry - and everyone knows the demand will outpace existing inventory of equipment of all the ENTERPRISE and like companies creating increased returns as companies anti up more and more dollars to get access to the equipment that will be in short supply. This industry doesn't turn on a dime and contracts are negotiated well in advance. Again, imagine all oil/gas companies wanting to get drilling all at the same time - not enough equipment to handle so enterprise will be well positioned. Then of course their tunneling and other ventures. Not bad!