High Grade Low CostsICG Pea says they will need $60M to start production. I am not sure why they will need that amount since the mill is already built and under care and maintenance. That being said it is not a lot of money consiering the numbers and payback periold of roughly one year. If the drilling confirms a significant increase in resources and the LOM plan takes this into the double digit territory say 12 -15 years, this stock could easily generate 30 cents in earnings a share. That is with gold staying where it is. So based on a payback of 1 year and no debt with a p/e mulitple of 12 this is a $3.50 stock. Blue sky is that the price of gold hits new highs and based on these plugs resembling the old plugs that produced millions of ounces of gold, production could also double to say 250k ounces per year. Someone correct me if I am wrong but if gold is at $2k and production is at 250k ounces with AISC costs at $750. This is netting $1 per share in earnings.....no DEBT.