Weak hands
You hit the nail right on the head. Coments such as "weak hands", and "MM manipulation", are disingenuous at best. This whole company valuation is a gamble that the Hammersly basin could be another wit's basin.
Not only did we not find much gold in the conglomerate at 550 meters but we found NO OTHER reefs from top to bottom!!!! You would think that if this was even close to being a wit's look alike we would have found traces of reef activity all the way up and down the drill core. WE FOUND NONE, except for the weak intercept at 550 meters. And this at the most promising point in the whole basin (which is why they chose this position).
This hole demonstrates that the Hammersly Basin is NOT anything close to being a wit's look alike. If it was, we would have seen some hints of gold reef activity all the way down long the drill core. THEY FOUND NONE!
Disappointment? That would be an understatement. And the market agrees. I thought based on cursory study, that Quinton might have had something going with his thesis. In my opiniion, this hole blew his theory all to smithereens. We had nothing from 0 meters to 1000 meters other than a few meters of dust!
That says a mouthful!
I think the chances of this being a large resource went from 60% to 6% with this hole. And Quinton is: "encouraged by these results." The guy just lost all credibility in my book with that statement. That's a bald faced lie!!!
Another Moriarity bust!