PDAC BOUNCE? FNR & OTHERS? FUNDING MKTS?It was a bit surprising, even for the PDAC, the lack of excitment/ lack of buying/price moves, even with those stocks that had good news. In the past you would see a PDAC Show Bounce and then drop back but, not this year. Those stocks that had good news, except for a buy out, had limited bounces and saw immediate selling limiting the price move, such as NAR. Any stocks around NAR diamond property saw little or no interest, lack of buyers.
The mood and etc at the PDAC was subdued/ low key, accrodong to the Press coverage, Financial Post and other PDAC coverage.
The issue of Funds/Fund Rasing was front and center at the show and covered in the Press, lack of investors, lack of flow of speculative investments is tking its toll on the Juniors as well as Seniors. Cutting expenses/selling of non core assets/cutting of entertainment at the show, Financial Post noted, cut back in hospitality - Prime Rib prior now its Chips and Salsa. Some companies discontinued their booths this year. Its a Question of Survial.
FNR business model, according to their Auditors, filed Sedar 2013, stated FNR needs to raise funds for their investment/business model going forward. Since the inception FNR has lost over $59 mil. But, as noted its not just FNR its every Junior and Larger Company. Therefore, when you do your homework look at the CASH BALANCE and burn rate.
All the above in my humble opinion and based on Sedar Reports, Financial Post PDAC coverage, Financial MKTS and etc.