a couple of quotes from an article..............
Feb 21st............" The lawyer for the Canadian company ( EMO ), which does not rule out legal action, recalled that the Constitution fo the company ( other guys ) was published in the Official Gazette of the commercial registry on April 25,2014, ( nine days ofter the the end of the first phase of the competion start up )
Is this all due to clerical mistakes, or government delays in getting things done?
According to Escudero Espin, the winning company is a one-man Corporation, whose sole partner is Abaden Management SL, also composed of one-person companies with a minimum of capital " and without any financial solvency ", so suspec tthat its " typical of companies that seek to evade their possible reponsibilities ".
I don't see the referrence at the moment BUT. There is mention that the other guys had a strikingly similiar answer to the waste rock and water problems that EMO had come uip with. I was told that EMO was thinking this was a great way to handle the situation and were pretty confident that the other guys would never think of it.
Again, all this comes from translated newspaper articles..............Some of these issues are of little or no account some have some real meat to them. We ought to know within a handful of weeks.