Lundin says keep holding Medallion Resources 2015-03-12 20:35 ET - In the News
Brien Lundin, in the March, 2015, edition of the Gold Newsletter, says hold Medallion Resources Ltd., recently six cents. Mr. Lundin said buy in October, 2011, at 16 cents. Assuming a $1,000 investment for the buy, the position is now worth $375. Mr. Lundin says Medallion has gone back to the drawing board after reassessing its monazite-based strategy for producing rare earth elements. The company appears to have shifted its production focus to North America from the Middle East. It is also looking into buying near-pure monazite feed and refining the feed to a mixed rare earth elements concentrate in order to eliminate the need for processing. According to management the editor says, doing so will get rid of the costly separation process and place Medallion's product more in line with how the market is currently buying rare earth elements. He concludes that although this story continues to move slowly, it is still worth watching, as rare earth elements have a "bright future in the modern economy." Medallion remains a hold.