OTCQX:BGMZF - Post by User
Comment by
halcroon Mar 19, 2015 2:00pm
Post# 23539562
RE:SOS for RocketRed
RE:SOS for RocketRedhalcro wrote: How in the world is the Rocket going to unload his 30-odd K of BGM paper (bought at an average of 27 cents) if there's no volume??
Only 2,000 shares traded on the TSX.V today, and at only 27.5 cents!!!
Come on, you pikers. Help Red out.
Run up the price to at least 35 cents, as the new Mercedes models are due to hit the showrooms soon.
Well, this is a fine howdy do!!! Scotia is doing the dirty and has just dumped 35 K shares, dropping it down to 26.5 cents.
Much more of this and we're going to have to do a crowd funding to get Red out of the glue.