RE:A frick'n outrageTrapeze - I agree with you and action should be taken!
It's not different than a developer who has a parcel of land plans to build a 40 storey tower of a specific footprint, has undergone the costs of the assessment, feasibility study, design and is just about to break the ground and then the government decides to expropriate 40% of the land in 2 different spots leaving a plot of land that is now impossible to continue with original plans of development, but they tell the developer they'll only be compensated for cost incurred only on that 40% piece of the land. NO YOU RETARRDS!!! Taking that chunk of land renders the ENTIRE PROJECT useless and invaluable!
I believe if AOS lawyers up with the right big guns, they have a solid case in court. While they're at it, go after them for lost potential revenues over a 10 year period as a result of the lease cancellation. Problem is how long that can take to resolve.