Insider sales / Inside information?Quote: "as i said before the ceo said we well be all happy. if not this well be took farther than the boards. as he led me too believe we had good results and i spent another 100k. so next week we well see" Dude. There is no way any self respecting / law abiding CEO would divulge ANY information regarding assay results that have not yet been disseminated publicly - he can't, legally. I don't know who you were talking to, but I guarantee you this CEO would never make such promises......that "you will all be happy".
Let's examine this statement: "you will all be happy".....that implies that he is in receipt of positive assay results, that have not been released publicly, and he's passing along a 'tip', or a piece of advice, to YOU....that you'll be happy (rich?) when the results are released publicly. I don't think so. That would be passing along 'Inside Information'.
For him to do so would not only be reckless, it would violate every rule in the book, and jeopardize his position, reputation ......his entire career in this sector.